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Beck, J.W., Scholer, A.A., Hughes, J., & Phan, V. (in press). Reconsidering the trade-off between speed and accuracy: The role of perceived goal progress velocity. Journal of Business and Psychology.


Elnakouri, A., Rossignac-Milon, M., Higgins, E.T., & Scholer, A.A. (in press). Goal-colored glasses: Goal instrumentality shapes when and with whom shared reality emerges. Motivation Science.


Elnakouri, A. Sharpinskyi, K., McGregor, I., & Scholer, A.A. (in press). Guided by God: Consulting divine omniscience during decision-making. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion.


Fujita, K., Scholer, A.A., & Miele, D.B. (in press). Metamotivation: The regulation of motivation in self-control. Current Opinion in Psychology.  


Miele, D.B., Scholer, A.A., & Higgins, E.T. (in press). Motivation and performance: A dynamic systems approach. In D.E. Carlston, K. Hugenburg, & K. Johnson (Eds). The Oxford Handbook of Social Cognition, Volume 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Scholer, A.A., Hubley, C., & Fujita, K. (in press). A multiple goal framework for exploring goal disengagement. Nature Reviews Psychology. 


Beck, J., Nishioka, M., Scholer, A.A., & Beus, J.M. (2024). Moderation in all things, except when it comes to workplace safety: Accidents are most likely to occur under moderately hazardous work conditions. Personnel Psychology, 77, 963-995.  


Fujita, K., Le, P.Q., Scholer, A.A., & Miele, D.B. (2024). The metamotivation approach: Insights into the regulation of motivation and beyond. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 18 e12937.


Hubley, C., Edwards, J., Miele, D.B., & Scholer, A.A. (2024). Metamotivational beliefs about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 126, 26-57.


Le, P.Q., Scholer, A.A., & Fujita, K. (2024). The role of conflict representation in abstinence versus moderation in self-control. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 126, 947-977 


Miele, D.B., Fujita, K., & Scholer, A.A. (2024). The role of metamotivational knowledge in the regulation of motivation. Motivation Science, 10, 197-209. 


Britton, E., Laurin, K., Grossmann, I., Dorfman, A., Oakes, H., & Scholer, A.A. (2023). The dynamics of self-control conflicts in daily life in predicting self-control success and perceived self-regulatory effectiveness. Collabra, 9, 88158.


Elnakouri, A., Rossignac-Milon, M., Krueger, K.L., Forest, A., Higgins, E.T., & Scholer, A.A. (2023). In it together: Sharing reality with instrumental others is linked to goal success. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125, 1072-1095


Jansen, E.J., Danckert, J., Seli, P., Scholer, A.A. (2023). Under pressure: Locomotion and assessment in the COVID-19 pandemic. Self and Identity, 22, 1-18.


Lapka, S., Kung, F.Y.H., Brienza, J., & Scholer, A.A. (2023). Determined yet dehumanized: People higher in self-control are seen as more robotic. Social and Personality Psychological Science, 14, 117-129.


Nguyen, T., Scholer, A.A., Miele, D.B., Edwards, M., & Fujita, K. (2023). Predicting academic performance with an assessment of students’ knowledge of the benefits of high-level and low-level construal. Social and Personality Psychological Science, 14, 195-206.


Phan, V., Nishioka, M., Scholer, A.A., & Beck, J.W. (2023). Goal progress velocity as a determinant of shortcut behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108, 553–570.


Reeves, S.L., Nguyen, T., Scholer, A.A., Fujita, K., & Spencer, S.J. (2023). Examining people’s beliefs about the benefits of self-affirmation for mitigating self-threat. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49, 1615-1632.


Ross, J., Nguyen, T., Fujita, K., Miele, D.B., Edwards, M., & Scholer, A.A. (2023). The relationship between metamotivational knowledge and performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 14: 1124171.


Brosowsky, N.P., Barr, N., Mugon, J., Scholer, A.A., Seli, P., & Danckert, J. (2022). Creativity, boredom proneness, and mental well-being in the pandemic. Behavioral Sciences, 12, 68. 


Hubley, C., & Scholer, A.A. (2022). Melting COVID-frozen goals: How goal disengagement supports well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Motivation and Emotion, 46, 752-768.


Jansen, E.J., Miele, D.B., Fujita, K., & Scholer, A.A. (2022). Managing the motivation of others: Do managers recognize how to manage regulatory focus in subordinates? Motivation Science, 8, 330-345.


Nguyen, T., Togawa, T., Scholer, A.A., Miele, D.B., & Fujita, K. (2022). A cross-cultural investigation of metamotivational beliefs about regulatory focus task-motivation fit. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 48, 807-820.


Boylan, J.A., Seli, P., Scholer, A.A., & Danckert, J. (2021). Boredom in the pandemic: Trait boredom proneness, the desire to act, and rule-breaking. Personality and Individual Differences, 171, 110387.


Danckert, J., Brosowsky, N.P., Van Tilburg, W., Scholer, A.A., Boylan, J., & Seli, P. (2021). Boredom proneness, political orientation, and adherence to social-distancing in the pandemic. Motivation and Emotion, 45, 631-640.


Grossmann, I., Dorfman, A., Oakes, H., Santos, H. C., Vohs, K. D., & Scholer, A.A. (2021). Training for wisdom: The distanced self-reflection diary method. Psychological Science, 32, 381-394.


Kung, F.Y.H., & Scholer, A.A. (2021). Moving beyond two goals: An integrative review and framework for the study of multiple goals. Personality and Social Psychology, Review, 25, 130-158.


Struk, A.A., Scholer, A.A., & Danckert, J. (2021). Perceptions of control influence feelings of boredom. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 687623.


Cortes, K., Britton, E., Holmes, J. & Scholer, A.A. (2020). Our adventures make me feel secure: Novel activities boost relationship satisfaction through felt security. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 89, 103992.


Kung, F.Y.H., & Scholer, A.A. (2020). The pursuit of multiple goals. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 14, e12509.


Miele, D.B., Scholer, A.A., & Fujita, K. (2020). Metamotivation: Emerging research on the regulation of motivational states. Advances in Motivation Science, 7, 1-42.


Nguyen, T., Togawa, T., Scholer, A.A., & Fujita, K. (2020). A cross-cultural investigation of metamotivational knowledge of construal level in the United States and Japan. Motivation Science, 6, 386-400.


Struk, A., Scholer, A.A., Danckert, J., & Seli, P. (2020). Rich environments, dull experiences: How environment can exacerbate the effect of constraint on the experience of boredom. Cognition and Emotion, 34, 1517-1523.


Zou, X., Scholer, A.A., & Higgins, E.T. (2020). Risk preference: How decision maker’s goal, current value state, and choice set work together. Psychological Review, 127, 74-94.


Cornwell, J.M.F., Scholer, A.A., & Higgins, E.T. (2019). Approach and avoidance dynamics: How expanding the scope informs motivation science. Psychological Inquiry, 30, 165-171.


Fujita, K., Scholer, A.A., Miele, D.B., & Nguyen, T. (2019). On metamotivation: Consumers' knowledge about the role of construal level in enhancing task performance. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 4, 57-64.


Mostafapour, M., Meyer, S.B., & Scholer, A.A., & (2019). Exploring the effect of risk and benefit information provision on vaccination decision-making. Vaccine, 37, 6750-6759.


Nguyen, T., Carnevale, J.J., Scholer, A.A., Miele, D.B., & Fujita, K. (2019). Metamotivational knowledge of the role of high-level and low-level construal in goal-relevant task performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 117, 876-899.


Scholer, A.A., Cornwell, J.M.F., & Higgins, E.T. (2019). Should we approach approach and avoid avoidance? An inquiry from different levels. Psychological Inquiry, 30, 111-124.


Scholer, A.A., Cornwell, J.M., & Higgins, E.T. (2019). Regulatory focus theory and research: Catching up and looking forward after 20 years. In R. Ryan (Ed.) Oxford Handbook of Motivation, Volume 2. (pp. 47-66). Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Sokolowski, M., Scholer, A.A., & Danckert, J. (2019). Reply to [Lyon et al.]: Self regulation and the foraging gene: from flies to humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116, 15768-15769.


Struk, A., Mugon, J., Huston, A., Scholer, A.A., Stadler, G. Higgins, E.T., Sokolowski, M., & Danckert, J. (2019). Self-regulation and the foraging gene (PRKG1) in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116, 4434-4439.


Cortes, K. , Scholer, A.A., Kohler, A., & Cavallo, J.V. (2018). Perceiving relationship success through a motivational lens: A regulatory focus perspective. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44, 795-808.


Klinger, J.A., Scholer, A.A., Molden, D.C., & Hui, C.M. (2018). Effortful experiences of self-control foster lay theories that self-control is limited. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 78, 1-13.


Kung, F.Y.H., & Scholer, A.A. (2018). Message framing influences perceptions of feedback (in)directness. Social Cognition, 36, 626-670.


Kung, F.Y.H., & Scholer, A.A. (2018). A network model of goals boosts convergent creativity performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1-12.


Miele, D.B., & Scholer, A.A. (2018). The role of metamotivational monitoring in motivation regulation. Educational Psychologist, 53, 1-21.


Molden, D.C., Hui, C.M., & Scholer, A.A. (2018). What limit self-control? A motivated effort-allocation account. In de Ridder, D., Adriaanse, M., & Fujita, K. (Eds.), Handbook of Self-Control in Health and Wellbeing (pp. 129-142). London: Routledge. 


Scholer, A.A., Miele, D.B., Murayama, K., & Fujita, K. (2018). New directions in self-regulation: The role of metamotivational beliefs. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27, 437-442.


Beck, J.W., Scholer, A.A., & Hughes, J. (2017). Divergent effects of distance versus velocity disturbances on emotional experiences during goal pursuit. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102, 1109-1123.


Beck, J.W., Scholer, A.A., & Schmidt, A.M. (2017). Workload, risks, and goal framing as antecedents of short-cut behaviors. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32, 421-440.


Hughes, J. , & Scholer, A.A. (2017). When wanting the best goes right or wrong: Distinguishing between adaptive and maladaptive maximization. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43, 570-583.


Molden, D.C., Hall, A., Hui, C.M., & Scholer, A.A. (2017) Understanding how identity and value motivate self-regulation is necessary but not sufficient: A motivated effort-allocation perspective, Psychological Inquiry, 28, 113-121.


Scholer, A.A., Eitam, B., Stadler, G., & Higgins, E.T. (2017). How locomotion concerns influence perceptual judgments. Social Cognition, 35, 227-244.


Scholer, A.A., & Miele, D.B. (2016). The role of metamotivation in creating task-motivation fit. Motivation Science, 2, 171-197.


Miele, D.B., & Scholer, A.A. (2016). Self-regulation of motivation. In D.B. Miele and K.R. Wentzel (Eds). Handbook of Motivation at School. (pp. 363-384). New York: Taylor and Francis. 


Molden, D.C., Hui, C.M., & Scholer, A.A. (2016). Understanding self-regulation failure: A motivated effort-allocation account. In E.R. Hirt, J.J. Clarkson, & L. Jia (Eds). Self-Regulation and Ego Control. (pp. 426-459). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.


Struk, A.A., Scholer, A.A., & Danckert, J. (2016). A self-regulatory approach to understanding boredom proneness. Cognition and Emotion, 30, 1388-1401.


Zou, X. & Scholer, A.A. (2016). Motivational affordance and risk preference across decision domains. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42, 275-289.


Bohns, V.K.*, Scholer, A.A.*, & Rehman, U. (2015). Implicit theories of attraction. Social Cognition, 33, 284-307. *Shared first authorship


Higgins, E.T., & Scholer, A.A. (2015). Goal pursuit functions: Working together. In M. Mikulincer, P.R. Shaver, E. Borgida, & J.A. Bargh (Eds). APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology, Volume 1: Attitudes and Social Cognition. (pp. 843-889). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. 


Stroessner, S.J., Scholer, A.A., Marx, D.M., & Weisz, D.M. (2015). When threat matters: Self-regulation, threat salience, and stereotyping. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 59, 77-89.


Cortes, K.,  Kammrath, L.K., Scholer, A.A., & Peetz, J. (2014). Self-regulating the effortful “Do’s” in relationships: A domain specific approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106, 380-397.


Meier, B. P., Scholer, A. A., & Fincher-Kiefer, R. (2014). Conceptual metaphor theory and person perception. In M. J. Landau, M. D. Robinson, and B. P. Meier (Eds). Metaphorical thought in social life. (pp. 43-64). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. 


Scholer, A.A. (2014). When Saying Yes to the Doughnut Is Not Saying No To Self-Control: A Hierarchical Approach to Flexibility in Conflict Representation. In J. Forgas & E. Harmon-Jones (Eds.). The Control Within: Motivation and its Regulation. (pp. 247-262). New York, NY: Psychology Press.  


Scholer, A.A., Ozaki, Y., & Higgins, E.T. (2014). Inflating and deflating the self: Sustaining motivational concerns through self-evaluation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 51, 60-73.


Zou, X.*, Scholer, A.A.*, & Higgins, E.T. (2014). In pursuit of progress: When risk-seeking serves promotion in the domain of gains. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106, 183-201. *Shared first authorship


Kammrath, L.K., & Scholer, A.A. (2013). The Cognitive-Affective Processing System. In I.B. Weiner (Ed.) Handbook of Psychology, Volume 5. (pp. 161-181). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Press. 


Scholer, A.A., & Higgins, E.T. (2013). Dodging monsters and dancing with dreams: Success and failure at different levels of approach and avoidance. Emotion Review, 5, 254-258. 


Higgins, E.T., Marguc, J., & Scholer, A.A. (2012). Value from adversity: How we deal with adversity matters. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 965-967. 


Molden, D.C., Hui, C.M., Scholer, A.A., Meier, B.P., Noreen, E.E., Martin, V., & D’Agostino, P.R. (2012). The motivational versus metabolic role of carbohydrates in self-control. Psychological Science, 23, 1137-1144.


Scholer, A.A., & Higgins, E.T. (2012). Commitment to change from locomotion motivation during deliberation. Motivation and Emotion, 36, 114-129.


Scholer, A.A., & Higgins, E.T. (2012). Too much of a good thing? Trade-offs in promotion and prevention focus. In R. Ryan (Ed.) Oxford Handbook of Motivation. (pp. 65-84). Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Kammrath, L.K., & Scholer, A.A. (2011). The Pollyanna myth: How highly agreeable people judge positive and negative relational acts. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 1172-1184.


Scholer, A.A. & Higgins, E.T. (2010). Regulatory focus in a demanding world. In R. Hoyle (Ed). Handbook of Personality and Self-Regulation. (pp. 291-314). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. 


Scholer, A.A., & Higgins, E.T. (2010). Promotion and prevention systems: Regulatory focus dynamics within self-regulatory hierarchies. In R.F. Baumeister & K.D. Vohs (Eds). Handbook of Self-Regulation (2nd Ed.). (pp. 143-161). New York: Guilford Press. 


Scholer, A.A., & Higgins, E.T. (2010).  Targeting control at different levels of self-regulation. In R. Hassin, K. Ochsner, & Y. Trope (Eds.), Self-Control in Society, Mind, and Brain. (pp. 312-334). Oxford: Oxford University Press.  


Scholer, A.A., Zou, X., Fujita, K., Stroessner, S.J., & Higgins, E.T. (2010). When risk seeking becomes a motivational necessity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99, 215-231.


Higgins, E.T., & Scholer, A.A. (2009). Engaging the consumer: The science and art of the value creation process. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19, 100-114.


Scholer, A.A., & Higgins, E.T. (2009). Exploring the complexities of value creation: The role of engagement strength. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19, 137-143.


Cesario, J., Higgins, E.T., & Scholer, A.A. (2008). Regulatory fit and persuasion: Basic principles and remaining questions. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2, 444-463.


Higgins, E.T. & Scholer, A. A. (2008). When is personality revealed?: A motivated cognition approach. In O.P. John, R.W. Robins, & L.A. Pervin, (Eds.), Handbook of Personality: Theory and Research (Third edition). (pp. 182-207). New York: Guilford Press. 


Higgins, E.T., Camacho, C. J., Idson, L.C., Spiegel, S., & Scholer, A.A. (2008). How making the same decision in a “proper” way creates value. Social Cognition, 26, 496-514.


Scholer, A.A. & Higgins, E.T. (2008). People as resources: Exploring the functionality of warm and cold. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38, 1111-1120.


Scholer, A.A., & Higgins, E.T. (2008). Distinguishing levels of approach and avoidance: An analysis using regulatory focus theory. In A.J. Elliot (Ed.), Handbook of Approach and Avoidance Motivation. (pp. 489-504). New York: Psychology Press. 


Scholer, A.A., Stroessner, S.J., & Higgins, E.T. (2008). Responding to negativity: How a risky tactic can serve a vigilant strategy. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 767-774.


Kammrath, L.K., Ames, D.R., & Scholer, A.A. (2007). Keeping up impressions: Inferential rules for impression change across the Big Five. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 450-457.


Stroessner, S.J., & Scholer, A.A. (2007). Making things better and worse: Multiple motives in stereotyping and prejudice. In J. Shah & W. Gardner (Eds.), Handbook of Motivation Science. (pp. 576-590). New York: Guilford Press. 

Lab Info

The Motivation Science Lab at the University of Virginia

101 Hospital Dr, Charlottesville, VA 22903

About the Lab

Our lab investigates the dynamic, complex, and often confounding world of human motivation and self-regulation. 

Electronic versions of our publications are provided as a courtesy to facilitate timely dissemination of academic work for individual, noncommercial purposes. All rights reside with the respective copyright holders.

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